Outlets in New York City

People love outlet shopping for a few reasons:

  1. Lower prices: Outlets typically offer lower prices on designer and brand-name merchandise than traditional retail stores. This is because outlets sell overstocked or unsold merchandise from previous seasons or collections.
  2. Wide selection: Outlets offer a wide variety of brands and products, from clothing and accessories to home goods and electronics. This makes it easy for shoppers to find everything they need in one place.
  3. Deals and discounts: In addition to already lower prices, outlets often have special deals and discounts, such as extra discounts for members or holiday sales.
  4. Thrill of the hunt: For many people, shopping at outlets is like a treasure hunt. They enjoy the challenge of finding the best deals and uncovering hidden gems among the merchandise.
  5. Experience: Outlet malls often provide a unique shopping experience with outdoor walkways, scenic views, and a wide variety of food and entertainment options.

Typically outlets take up a lot of space so it’s generally prohibitively expensive to operate in New York City, but there are some outlets in the region that are accessible via driving or bus services. See below for some of the best outlet shopping in the region.